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1956 Born in Seoul.
1975-1977 I studied drawing and basic painting for 2 years at Hongik University.
1977 I moved to Teheran, Iran with my family and transferred to Teheran University.
1978 Because of revolution of Iran, I discontinued study at Teheran University.
1979-1980 In order to earn school expenses, I got a job in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
1980 I moved to London, England and had studied art history for one semester at New England College in Sussex, and moved to America.
1981-1982 I had painted figures with models and studied human body at New England College, NH, USA.
1982 I had an internship at the Currier Gallery of Art in NH, USA.
1982-1985 I met Neil Welliver and visiting artists from New York at University of Pennsylvania. My artistic ability and competence of painting were developed and improved.
I received grant from Asian Cultural Council, NY.
1985-1991 I returned to Seoul, and gave lectures at Duksung Woman's College.
1986 I had the 1st solo exhibition at Seoul Gallery.
1989 I had the 2nd solo exhibition at Chosun Ilbo Gallery.
1991 I had the 3rd solo exhibition at Gallery Hyundai.
2002 I had the 4th solo exhibition at Gasan Gallery.
2002 Autobiography 'Roseate, Captured Spirit' was published.
2003 I had the 5th solo exhibition at Indeco Gallery.
Now I pursue truth and beauty in this world, continue to paint the highest creation of integration of will and spirit.